Friday, December 14, 2012

The Bachelorette

I never intended for my blog to be this public.  In fact until I linked my Rocky Raccoon 50K race report in the HTREX Facebook page, I had not told even those closest to me I had started a blog. 

Even a quick perusal of Sarah's blog you get a pretty good feel for her approach to dating.   I feel such a disadvantage in getting my viewpoint across.  I think it is best to provide some background and explain my thought process a bit.  Several of my friends asked me for details on various aspects so I figured I would put it ALL in here and avoid having to send out bits and pieces to several people individually.  Once I had the basic framework written I realized the post was waaaaay too long.  So I broke it up into 4 parts.

Lastly, I wrote the background immediately after we agreed to do this.  The planning section was written as I planned the date.  Obviously my account of the actual date and post date thoughts were written after we had our actual date.  

You can find her account of the events on her blog. (as of now it's not actually up)

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