I met Sarah who writes a dating blog through OKCupid. We went out for drinks for a meet and greet to make sure the other wasn't completely crazy or using 10 year old photos. The conversation was good but mainly about dating in the modern world post-divorce. The meet and greet was short (I was home by 8:30) so I didn't really get a chance to find out much about her. We both agreed things went well enough to try a
Side note: Sarah is the only person I have messaged online in the last 5+ months. I had previously sworn off online dating (yet again). But once in a while when a work meeting can’t hold my attention I jump online and see who is new. I've gone on a number of blind/online dates. There have only been two women who were more attractive than I presumed going in. Sarah was one of them.
I did the standard next day follow up, letting her know I was interested in seeing her again and when I came back from my family vacation I'd call her and we could work out our schedules. I called when I came back and got her voicemail. The next morning I got the following text:
Nothing says you're just a number in a string of guys as
well, getting the actual number of your place in the line. Wasn't this the basic premise for the movie
“How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”? I
immediately texted a few of my female friends for their opinions. With the exception of one, the consensus was
for me to run for the hills. I still
wasn't sure what I wanted to do so I did what we all do now, threw it out on
Facebook. I actually had to think hard
about doing this. Sarah and I are
“friends” on FB. However, through our
previous interactions she left me with the impression she had never actually
looked at my FB profile. (If a cover
photo of me in a tutu doesn't get a question/comment I'm not sure what
does.) The discussion that followed
pretty much sums up the various thoughts running through my head. (minus the "she must get around")
Normally I'm not a whip it out and compare with 11 other
dudes kind of guy. As a wise man once
said “Homey don’t play dat!” Then I got
to thinking, what makes for a better story?
How I had a crazy offer and did nothing with it, or what I did with the
My Reply
Sorry for the delay, it's been crazy busy at work with the holidays and an upcoming conference. I was thinking about your proposal and I'm in. I've always been fascinated how people view the same event differently. With that said, my idea is we each blog about this date from our perspectives. We release our posts simultaneously on our respective blogs (so there’s no changing after the fact) and we link to the others viewpoint. Deal? We can work out specifics as when and where once we both get back from our holiday travels. I’ll work under the assumption a weekend evening is best for you. Anyways, have great and safe Thanksgiving.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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